What Chemicals Can Be Used to Kill and Remove Black Mold

What Chemicals are Prone to Kill Black Mold Instantly?

Our homes provide the perfect environment for black mold to grow and, when not contained early enough, can wreak havoc. Black mold is hazardous as it is toxic and requires professionals to treat it, unlike other types of mold. Mere exposure to this fungus causes extreme allergic reactions, even in those without underlying conditions such as asthma. 

If you realize black mold in your residence, hiring a reputable remediation company is the best action to take. However, if you think you can handle the situation, some chemicals have been proven to kill black mold and help with cleaning.

What Chemicals Can Be Used to Kill and Remove Black Mold


When using bleach to treat mold, you have to be extra cautious. Remember, bleach has a lot of moisture content, therefore, might cause the mold to grow even more. Bleach is effective on black mold growing on hard surfaces rather than porous materials. Once the moisture sets in the porous materials, it offers the perfect breeding condition for black mold. 

Use it on hard surfaces like tiled walls and floors for the best effect. Also, remember to wear protective gear when handling bleach, as the chemical is extremely corrosive. Use gloves to protect your hands and a gas mask for your respiratory system. Chlorine gas emitted from bleach can harm your respiratory organs.


Unlike bleach, borax has no toxic chemicals that can harm your health. It is a common ingredient used for cleaning and found in detergent. Borax has proven effective in killing black mold, even better than bleach, especially on porous materials. You can get borax from the store if you want to experiment with its effectiveness on black mold. Use it to clean washable materials by mixing them with detergent in the washing mashing. For hard surfaces, mix with water and use it to scrub off the mold, then wipe with a clean disposable piece of cloth. 

Trisodium Phosphate

Most people don’t know about this cleaning chemical, but it is one of the most effective when dealing with black mold. Trisodium phosphate has numerous uses, including removing grease, black mold, soap scum, and stubborn stains from surfaces. The chemical has toxic components; therefore, it must be applied cautiously.

Open all windows when using trisodium phosphate, and wear protective gear. Mix the chemical in a ratio of 1 teaspoon: 1 water gallon, then use a soft brush to scrub off the black mold. Wipe off with a disposable piece of cloth and leave to dry. Trisodium phosphate is most effective on hard surfaces. 

Ask the Professionals for Help

Black mold can be hard to eliminate, especially if you don’t know what to use and how to apply them. In addition to its toxicity, it can leave your surfaces discolored and unaesthetic. It is always advisable to let professionals clean black mold, as they have all the necessary tools for remediation. They can even remediate porous surfaces and offer a replacement for unsalvageable ones. A reputable mold remediation company will be more effective than any chemicals proven to kill black mold. However, if you don’t have the resources to hire professionals, ensure to protect yourself against black mold exposure and the chemicals used for cleaning.

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